Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are facing a serious technology conundrum. On the one hand, Information Technology (IT) is an essential enabler in a digital world, and without it doing business is all but impossible. On the other, SMEs struggle with the skills and resources to manage and maintain their technology solutions in-house.
Getting a Managed Service Provider (MSP) to deliver take care of all your IT requirements is a practical solution to this challenge. However, when your service provider spends all of their time putting out fires, it means your technology isn’t delivering any actual value to your business. This scenario is often the result of trying to shape a business around technology, rather than finding a technology solution that meets the needs of the business.
More in the series : Stop putting out fires and leverage real business value from your IT Solutions
5 Technology Pains you want to get rid of, NOW!!
Pain Point #1 things keep breaking
Pain Point #2 tech support takes too long to fix the problem
Pain Point #3 software updates are too much admin
Pain Point #4 we have no idea what we have, what we need, or how much we can afford
Pain Point #5 we’re worried about cybersecurity, but don’t know how to deal with it