Here is your total solution

If you want to stop putting out fires and leverage real value from your IT solutions, Green Apple IT is the answer, enabling you to grow and take your business to the next level.

We offer a free 30-minute no obligation consultation over MS Teams or Zoom to discuss your key IT issues and recommend the right solution you need to enhance your business operations – and your bottom line.

For a free consultation, drop me a email and I will schedule in a time to assist

Green Apple IT

Dawie Bloomberg

Tel:  082 494 5901


More in the series : Stop putting out fires and leverage real business value from your IT Solutions

5 Technology Pains you want to get rid of, NOW!!

Pain Point #1 things keep breaking

Pain Point #2 tech support takes too long to fix the problem

Pain Point #3 software updates are too much admin

Pain Point #4 we have no idea what we have, what we need, or how much we can afford

Pain Point #5 we’re worried about cybersecurity, but don’t know how to deal with it

Proactive Value Delivery

Here is your total solution

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